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#1 yok



  • Üyeler
  • 1.406 Mesaj
  • Konum:Yalnızlık
  • İlgi Alanları:* Yalnızlık<br>* Başka hayatları yaşamak<br>* Kendinden vazgecmek<br>* Başarısızlık<br>vs.......................

Gönderim zamanı 16.04.2006 - 00:55

Big Sister

Who controls your mind
There have been changes
No more giving it all for free
There will be changes
Now woman is all you need
Here is a number
You've been given an another name
We will be watching
One might fall but you'll all be blamed
Shame, shame
Here's big sister
We're big sister
Hear big sister
There's big sister
Dancing on your grave
Who controls your mind
Who's in charge of hearts
Who controls you time
We're in charge of you
There have been changes
Even mother's a soldier now
There have been changes
You can touch 'cause you don't know how
Here's big sister
We're big sister
Hear big sister
There's big sister
Dancing on your grave
Pretty faces, young and clean
Watching you from magazines
All they want is something more
Kill the king and then we'll crown the whore
Here's big sister
We're big sister
Hear big sister
There's big sister
Who controls your mind
In charge of hearts
Controls your time
In charge of you
Here's big sister
We're big sister

Bu mesaj Complexivy tarafından düzenlendi. Düzenleme zamanı: 19.04.2006 - 16:05

Okyanusların uçsuz bucaksız erilşilmezliğini mavi sanırdım. O erişilmez derinlikler Yeşilmiş! tıpkı gözlerim gibi...
O diplerde saklıymış duygular, o sonsuzlukta saklıymış umutlar, sonlarda saklı kalmış varoluşlar...

#2 yok



  • Üyeler
  • 1.406 Mesaj
  • Konum:Yalnızlık
  • İlgi Alanları:* Yalnızlık<br>* Başka hayatları yaşamak<br>* Kendinden vazgecmek<br>* Başarısızlık<br>vs.......................

Gönderim zamanı 19.04.2006 - 16:06

don't talk to strangers

don't talk to strangers

don't talk to strangers
'cause they're only there to do you harm
don't write in starlight
'cause the words may come out real

don't hide in doorways
you may find the key that opens up your soul
don't go to heaven
'cause it's really only hell

don't smell the flowers
they're an evil drug to make you loose your mind
don't dream of women
'cause they only bring you down

hey you, you know me, you've touched me, i'm real
i'm forever the one that lets you look and see and
feel me
i'm danger - i'm the stranger

and i, i'm darkness, i'm anger, i'm pain
i am master
the evil song you sing inside your brain
drive you insane
don't talk

don't let them inside your mind, yeah
run away, run away, go!

no - no

don't let them in your mind
protect your soul

don't dance in darkness
you may stumble and you're sure to fall
don't write in starlight
'cause the words may come out real

don't talk to strangers [don't talk to strangers]
'cause they're only there to make you sad
don't dream of women
'cause they'll only bring you down

run, run, run, run away!

Okyanusların uçsuz bucaksız erilşilmezliğini mavi sanırdım. O erişilmez derinlikler Yeşilmiş! tıpkı gözlerim gibi...
O diplerde saklıymış duygular, o sonsuzlukta saklıymış umutlar, sonlarda saklı kalmış varoluşlar...

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